Monday 29 September 2014

Y axis gantry

Just figuring out the y axis gantry at the moment. What linear bearings, what do I make the gantry bridge out of, what height do I need it etc. I have worked out that I need to have the supporting bearings closer together than I first thought due to if I have them wide I'll lose half that width due to the length of the rail and where the torch is positioned. With the x rails being 3000 mm long, I should have at least 2600 in table travel. Hopefully more but as long as it will fit a 2400 X 1200 sheet of material.

I have been thinking also of buying some shorter rails and extending the table to make a drum and cylindrical cutter assembly on the end. Basically have a 44 gallon drum on rollers controlled by the x axis that will turn the drum and the y axis gantry just doing its thing. Ideally I'll also have a rotary tube cutter as well, but that is a bit away.

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